Dolphin Jewelry Promotes Environmental Awareness


"And when the day comes that we can communicate intelligently with dolphins, they may introduce us to the concept of survival without aggression, and the true joy of living, which at present eludes us. In that circumstance what they have to teach us would be infinitely more valuable than anything we could offer them in exchange." -- Horace Dobbs

First of all, let's take a look at the rationale behind dolphin jewelry. What makes dolphins so attractive as jewelry motifs? Moreover, what would make them so important as to deserve a second look by jewelry-lovers, especially the socially conscientious? 

Well, for one thing -- if there is any ocean-dwelling creature that is said to be the smartest and most compassionate – it is the dolphin. Dolphins have been known to guide stranded seafarers to dry land, and converse intelligently in a language that’s all their own. Scientists have been attempting to study the way dolphins communicate, and there is increasing evidence that dolphins have their own complex language. Dolphins are also the only ocean mammals that mate for recreation, and are closest to humans in this respect.

Dolphins are also among the most graceful of sea creatures, moving smoothly and effortlessly through the turbulent waves, turning backflips in the air with all the carefree air of a human child showing off a somersault. After all, who has never felt anything but goodwill and affection for Flipper, that most beloved of all celebrity dolphins?

But there is a sad twist to the dolphins' story. Believe it or not, some species of dolphins are fast becoming an endangered species. Pierce Brosnan (James Bond 007), Dean Anderson (StarGate, McGyver) and Martin Sheen (West Wing) have been known to support causes that save dolphins from being killed for sport or commercial purposes. Pollution is driving many dolphins to flee their ocean sanctuaries, and there have been stories of dolphins being beached while fleeing desperately from nuclear testing grounds or oil spills.

Wearing dolphin jewelry may not directly save the lives of dolphins, but it will help other people become more aware of the situation surrounding these intelligent creatures. But most importantly, dolphin jewelry continues to be elegant and eye-catching through the years. It represents a serene, fun-loving beauty that perseveres despite harsh trials.

Engagement Rings from here to Eternity

engagements ring

The oldest recorded exchange of  engagement rings dates back nearly 5000 years ago to ancient Egypt when a never ending band was linked with eternal love. Later for the Romans, a young ladies acceptance of a ring was a legal agreement and meant that the girl was no longer available. These ancient engagement and wedding rings were not gold engagement rings but were often made from simple and crude bands of iron.

Even in these modern times, the gold engagement ring is still regarded as a potent symbol of unity and marriage, which sends out a message about a persons marital status. Traditions have changed over the centuries and not only have the materials which the rings are made out of changed, but men too are now choosing to wear a ring as a symbol of lasting love, fidelity and commitment.

These early tokens which indicated the sealing of a marriage contract, were certainly very different from what we now accept today as an engagement ring and probably wouldn’t have turned too many heads or invoked the green eyed monster because of their beauty and brilliance. In early Roman times rings were simple hoops made out of iron and it wasn’t until much later times that this metal was replaced with precious metals such as gold and silver which do not rust and are more attractive. 

Although diamonds were discovered in India at the beginning of the ninth century, it wasn’t until 1500 onwards that brides to be would be wearing something a little bit more special and even then, diamonds would be very much for the wealthy and for royalty.

Since their discovery, diamonds have always been prized for their beauty and brilliance as well as their extreme hardness and the word diamond originated from the Greek word adamas, which means unconquerable. Some even believed diamonds to possess magical powers and along with their other properties, this has made diamonds perfect as a representation of the marriage bond.   

When further sources of diamonds were discovered in the nineteenth century, it increased the availability and they became more fashionable, particularly set in engagement rings.

Styles of engagement rings have varied greatly over the years but still some designs have remained popular throughout. The single diamond solitaire is a strong favourite and nobody can resist that big sparkler. The three stone styles have also remained popular and many still believe that this signifies ‘I Love You’.  

Although some ladies have chosen other precious gemstones for their engagement rings such as rubies, emeralds, opals and many more, the diamond still is the favourite and as the song says ‘Diamonds Are A Girls Best Friend’.   

Platinum has also become a popular although a very expensive alternative to gold and silver. Recently there has been a surge in interest in engagement rings made from titanium and zirconium because not only are these metals attractive, lightweight and very hard wearing but they are also hypoallergenic. These metals lend themselves well to more modern styles and the metals can be heat treated to produce wonderful colour effects which make many rings totally unique pieces as no two will ever look the same. 

Because of their hardness, Titanium and Zirconium are also used to produce stunning tension set diamond engagement rings, an effect which would be much more difficult to achieve with precious metals which are much softer and more prone to wear over the years increasing the likelihood of the precious stone working loose from the .

Most people wear their engagement ring on the third finger of the left hand although there are a few European countries where the engagement ring is worn on the right hand. The reason for wearing on the third finger of the left hand is thought to date back to ancient Rome and Egypt when it was believed that a vein that ran through that finger ran straight to the heart. Many women also wear their gold wedding ring with a diamond engagement ring and an eternity ring. Photo Source here.

Know Your Own Scent

women scent blog

It may sound funny to you, but it is really essential to understand your own scent (or "smell"), it is really good to realize and recognize how your body smells as it will affect the type of perfume you choose, or amount of particular perfume oil you add while making your own perfume.

The body and skin of each person has a peculiar smell - similar to a fingerprint, voice check or a model of your chromosome. It is scientifically proven that our doubts, hopes, requirements, our nutritional preferences, our fitness, our ability to believe and liberate, are highly influenced by the smell of our body. There are many interesting stories about how detectives and spies were able to trace out the thieves by their body odor. It has also been stated by different researchers that the smell of our body has a deep impact upon our brain. When we go out to purchase a perfume, or select any perfume oils, we knowingly or unknowingly prefer those fragrances which are acceptable and can easy assimilate with the smell of our skin. The oil or perfume you put on your skin mixes with the smell your body and skin and creates a new fragrance.

It is also said that if you understand the smell of your body correctly, and purchase and use perfumes properly, it will have a positive effect in your personal and professional life. You will be more energetic and optimist in your life.

The best way to determine your own smell character is to not take a shower following your workout and don't rinse your hair or spritz on body spray. Give yourself at least two hours and write down what you felt about your own smell, then again after taking a bath to "feel" the smell, and to see the difference in smell. This will help you in determining the exact smell of your body. Once you ignore all the artificial smells you put on your body, you will sense the exact smell of your body.

Once you recognize the smell of your body, switch over to the fragrance of different perfumes, try them one by one or select any one at random, and use it to see how your body responds to it; if both the smell of skin and the perfume is blending properly then this perfume is correct for your skin. It is also good if you take three to four different fragrances, before selecting the best, as it may help you in making your final decision.

You should not forget that your presence is important for you as well as others. You should not forget that it is really important to smell good and smell correct. Once you know about the nature of the smell of your body, you should go for the smell of the perfume accordingly, as it not only affects your mind and nature, but also affect other's mode as well. So in order to have right perfume, you should rightly learn how you smell.

Shoutout to Women's Era for the wonderful photo I used in this post. <3

Ethical Fashion: What, Why and Why Now?

What is ethical fashion, why is it important, and why are we just hearing about it now?  Well, to answer these questions we start with what is wrong with clothing production today.  Most clothing available in stores today is produced in an unethical manner using sweatshop and/or child labour to ensure a larger profit margin.  Manufacturers use unsustainable fabrics like non-organic cotton (dubbed as natural, it accounts for almost 25% of all pesticide use) and polyester (which is a petroleum by-product).  They use conventional dying practices which release chlorine, chromium, and other pollutants into the environment  posing a health risk to the farmers, assemblers and wearers (7 of the top 15 pesticides used on conventional US cotton crops are “possible”  to “known” human carcinogens).  The shift to ethical production practices in the clothing industry has been undeniably important for a long time making the market ripe for a positive change.  Consumers are starting to demand better.

What is Ethical Fashion?

Ethical fashion is that which is produced using: fairly-paid and fairly-treated adult workers; sustainable fabrics and materials like organic cotton, hemp, bamboo, and reclaimed or recycled materials; low-impact fiber-reactive dyes or vegetable dyes; respect for a healthy environment and/or product for the farmer, the assembler, and the wearer of the clothing.  

Why Ethical Fashion?

We are all responsible for how our own lifestyles affect the environment.  Simple measures can be taken to achieve big changes by simply switching our buying patterns to include products made of low impact materials.  Positive pressure on businesses who have yet to volutarily clean up their acts is very easily applied by simply choosing not to spend money on their products, and helping – little by little – to grow the businesses who have made an explicit commitment to responsible business practice.

Why Now?

The wonderful thing about the booming ethical fashion industry is the huge variety of designs, colours, cuts, fabrics and sizes now available.  Long stigmatized as cousin to the  burlap sack, the ethical offerings today are design-oriented.  Designers with heart are creating beautiful, sexy, edgy, classic, current, imaginative, and, yes, flattering pieces – ethics will simply not be compromised and thankfully neither will the look and feel of their work.  Reducing our footprint can be done without making any sacrifices.  

One of the main driving forces of the ethical fashion boom is public awareness.  Thanks to exposés on large manufacturers, the fact that sweatshop labour is used for the overwhelming majority of production can no longer be ignored.  The power of boycotting has been demonstrated, as has the power of voting with our dollars to support good practice. Thanks to accessible work like  “An Inconvenient Truth”, the lay person is no longer free to assuage their environmental guilt with the denial of the existence of climate change. Thanks to alternative medical practitioners, who deal with cause instead of just symptom, we're learning that we can build health by surrounding ourselves with and consuming healthy things.  

Consumers are growing weary of the quantity without quality mentality.  Most designers with an ethical bent to their art, work in small batches, producing high quality goods with exceptional fabrics. Consumers are, in growing numbers, appreciating the right to vote with their dollars; and are exercising it to support expansion of the sustainable textile industry, small farmers and farm co-operatives.  We're all looking for ways to reduce our environmental impact, increase our social contribution, ease our consciences,  hold on to some creature comforts, and continue celebrating art in all its forms.

Shout out to Eco Warrior Princess for the wonderful photo I used in this post.

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