Clay Masks For Acne

Clay Masks For Acne
In the decades that the prevalence of acne has exponentially surged, so have the number of treatments available. The various products available at the commercial level is astounding in itself. You have exfoliating scrubs, alcohol pads, home dermabrasion kits, foaming  list goes on and on. At the professional level, you have laser treatments and prescription medications. One product which has grown in popularity due to its modest to good results is the clay mask. This affordable treatment which, is often advertised in magazines and on television, is designed to help reduce oil levels. This can eventually lead to drastic reduction in the number of new breakouts.

Natural Skin Peeling - Make Your Skin Beautiful By Using a Natural Clay Mask

Natural skin peeling is truly the ideal measure if you want to get smooth, beautiful skin. It is true that the skin renews itself, too, but it's useful to help it with a natural clay mask and here's why:
Natural Skin Peeling - Make Your Skin Beautiful By Using a Natural Clay Mask

Our skin generates about 1 million skin cells every minute, day in day out. That amounts to more than 5 billion new cells daily! Old, dead cells that are being replaced by these new ones begin naturally peeling off after being on the skins upper layers for about 25 days, giving opportunity for the new skin cells to take their place. However, sometimes the dead cells stay attached to your skin, making it impossible for the fresh skin to come to the surface. This can lead to spots, blackheads, discoloration and even premature aging.

If you're unhappy with how your face looks, the problem could just be that your skin can't get rid of the old cells on its own! You should help your by exfoliating it naturally, with a deep cleansing mask, to make sure the dead skin cells are removed. This way, your skin condition is likely to improve.
But why do you need to use a natural clay mask?

Well, there are many ways to naturally peel your skin: scrubbing with a sponge, micro-beads or other abrasives, or chemically with different kinds of acids. The problem with most of these peels is that they are not suitable everyone. Mechanical peels can irritate your skin if they're done too harshly, and chemical peels usually need to be done by a dermatologist. But a good natural clay mask with cleansing properties can be used at home, it's risk free and gentle, but still very efficient.

The main effect is, like said above, that the mask pulls away and removes dead skin cells from your face. At the same time good natural clay masks can restore your skins elasticity, reduce pore size and smooth away fine lines and wrinkles. A good mask can also assist in improving your skin color and in stimulating collagen production, making your face look younger.

Photo from Verilymag

Benefits of a Clay Mask

Benefits of a Clay Mask
Clays can also be mixed with other substances like body powders and soaps for applications. They are a part of soaps and lotions and are used to add color to them. It's also easy to acquire clays in any part of the world. One can get them from shops in supermarkets and pharmacies. People also like applying clay in the form of a skin warp.

Using clay is also very useful when you are suffering from the problem of acne. It's especially useful to get rid of the redness caused by this ailment. One can prepare a clay mask and apply it on the acne spots. One can also add aloe Vera to the mixture to get a better outcome from the application. This substance can reduce the swelling of the skin. Clay as it provides nourishment to the skin can also improve its smoothness. Cosmetic clays, which are purchased by so many people today, can have an impact as per their mineral contents. These contents add vibrancy to the skin. So, purchase cosmetic clay as per your own skin needs.

It's because they contain many minerals which can soothe your skin easily. The other effects of using clays are that they can provide freshness to the skin apart from exfoliating it. This is the reason why so many people prefer their use now. Using clays is useful as compared to going to a parlor for getting the exfoliation treatment. Clay removes the muck, oil and dirt from the skin pores removing the possibility of person contracting acne.

Using clay is suggested for people who have oily skin. It's because it does not have any impact on the oil content of your skin. Applying clay as a mask is also useful when you have a dull color. It's because it adds shine to the skin. The best part about clay is that's slightly acidic level washes off the dead skin cells from your face, revealing a fresh skin underneath. When a person uses clay on his/her skin the blood circulation also improves as a result. So, the entire luster of the face improves through a clay mask.

Photo from vegancuts

Pimples on Your Face - Can a Clay Mask Cure Them?

Pimples on Your Face - Can a Clay Mask Cure Them?
I recently discovered that by using a clay mask that it definitely can help with reducing the redness and inflammation on your spots. So I thought I would discuss a little about it and tell you what I found. It worked well on the smaller zits and the rosiness. I also discovered that if you put it all over your face it makes it really dry so it was better to just put it on the spots and inflamed area. So I did a bit of research on Clay Mask and this is what I have found it is better to use white clay on your skin as it is not as harsh on the skin as red or yellow clay is. I also mixed it with Aloe Vera which really helped heal my skin up really quickly, it took out all the inflammation from the zits and I resisted to scratch, rub or pick any of them. If you pick your zits from my experience what occurs is they take longer to heal and also finish up leaving a scar on your face so number 1 rule do not be persuaded to pick, squeeze any of them as you may just finish up making your spot worse and we do not desire any scars on our face do we? Not if we are able to help it anyway.

The clay works by drying out the pimple, healing it faster and reducing the inflammation of the blemishes. It draws out the toxins which are lying underneath the skin, so in effect it is taking out all that bad horrible yucky yellow stuff that you see when a pimple blemish bursts. The Clay seeps down into the layers of the skin and help to reduce the redness so helping in taking away the inflammation round the zit too. I would only ever leave it on for 5-10 minutes at the most as it is very drying. Once you have the clay on your blemish wash it off, when you do this you are washing away the toxins at the same time. Which is what we want. So I have tried using this at night before going to bed on the odd little pimple that pops up, and when I wake up in the morning the pimple has shrunk. I used Aloe vera mixing the 2 together and this has actually helped. Aloe Vera is renowned for its healing properties and its very good at taking away inflammation from the skin naturally. You can use any color of clay you would like I just found that the white clay to be to the most kind on the skin for me. The original mask I was given was a red mask. This is one that soften's the skin.

So what is Clay? Well it's dried powder that has been sun dried and it has different properties in each one, it's something a lot of salons use making up mask's to help with different problems people are having with their skins. It is quite popular to buy over clay mask and you can find them at pharmacies as well as supermarkets.

White clay is the most delicate it is best for sensitive skin and it's why I use it as my skin is sensitive. It wont pull out as many poisons from your skin as some of the others but it is best to use what suits your skin type.

Green Clay from the other view point is suited to oily skin types as well as combination skin, it is the most suited for oily and acne prone skin. A lot of people break out in acne due to a allergy to a foundation they are using and do not realize this. Its best to use a oil free moisturizer and foundation when you are prone to acne breakouts.

You will of course have to try it out on your skin to determine if your skin type will put up with it.
Red Clay helps with decongesting the skin. It helps to soften and firm also. Yellow clay is similar to green clay but not so powerful. It's good for mature and dehydrated skin.

Photo from Cinddie

Take Care of Dry Skin

Dry skin is a common ailment among men, women and children, no matter the season or the climate. In some countries where there are seasonal changes, the drastic changes of temperature could readily upset the elasticity of the skin. Going to a dermatologist is not an option for some especially if there is none nearby or if the finances just do not allow for it.
Take Care of Dry Skin
Dry skin has been linked with the type of diet that an individual follows and even if the diet is nutritious, if there is a lack of certain vitamins like Vitamins E, B, C and D, then the skin can still suffer for it. A diet of fish, fruits, raw vegetables, as well as lots of water and exercise may sound like a diet for a heart patient or even a diabetic; however, these are still the main staple of gaining good skin.

Hygiene is another way to keep the skin healthy. Taking showers or baths are good and hygienic, but there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. Lukewarm water is the best temperature for the body as this does not shock the system as much as cold and hot water showers do. Moreover, it is best not to stay too long in the water as this could also make it dry, no matter what moisturizing bars claim in the market. Try moisturizing the skin soon after taking a bath or shower as this will retain or 'lock in' the moisture.

There are also home remedies that work quite well with moisturizing the skin. Surprisingly, olive oil used for salads is also very good for the skin, so is peanut oil, and almond oil. These same oils are also highly effective for dry hair.

For skin that is chapped or has rashes, the home remedy of oatmeal soap or oatmeal wash that is usually used when one has chicken pox also works perfectly. It not only soothes the skin and prevents stinging when using ordinary soaps, but it actually has an antibacterial and an anti-itch effect.
For those who have cracked and sore dry rough skin on the hands and heels of the feet, applying Vaseline or body cream based on olive oil is best at bedtime. Keep the moisture in by using socks when sleeping as this will increase the effectiveness.

As dry skin means that the skin lacks moisture, it means that there are not enough fluids in the body, especially if they are lost due to excessive sweating. The best remedy for this is of course, hydration with natural water, not the sugary flavored sports drinks, but just plain old water. Following a course of good food and water, plus exercise, not only will the skin get healthier and regain its elasticity, but the body itself will be healthier.

Photo is from Reader's Digest

Best Moisturizing Cream - Using Honey As Moisturizer Will Nourish and Rejuvenate Your Skin

Using a moisturizing cream that contains honey as moisturizer will make your skin look healthy, smooth and flawless; you may be saying why don't I just apply raw honey on my skin? Well, you should not do that because it will feel sticky and look messy. So, this article is going to tell you how to find the best moisturizing creams that also contain the best type of honey as a moisturizer.
Using Honey As Moisturizer Will Nourish and Rejuvenate Your Skin
One advice I will give you before we go on is, stay away from skin care products that contain chemicals; they dry your skin and have other harmful effects on your body. Most moisturizing creams on the market contain mineral oil; this ingredient is a petrochemical that clog the pores and cause allergic reactions and breakouts; hence, avoid products that contain mineral oil and other chemicals such as parabens, fragrances, dioxane, and sulfates.

The best moisturizing cream should contain natural emollients like Grapeseed oil, Maracuja, Jojoba oil and Babassu; these plant oils will never block your pores and will not make your skin greasy.

If you want the best brand, look for one that contains Active Manuka honey as moisturizer; this is a special kind of honey found in the Manuka bush in New Zealand. It is rich in special enzymes, antioxidants, healing and antibacterial properties that are not found in other types; hence, it promotes cells renewal and the production of strong collagen. Its antioxidant properties help to protect your skin against the harmful effects of free radicals.

Active Manuka honey as moisturizer is proven to nourish and rejuvenate your skin to make it look younger; it also heals conditions like acne, eczema and psoriasis, thereby making your skin look healthy and flawless.

If you really want your skin to radiate with beauty, look for a natural moisturizing cream that contains Active Manuka honey as moisturizer and the other natural ingredients mentioned here.

How Do You Find The Best Moisturizer?

A commercial moisturizer contains a mixture of chemical agents that is designed to soften the outer layers of the skin by improving its hydration. Some of its ingredients are natural lipids and sterols, oils, lubricants, humectants and emollients. It is known to treat dry skin, improve skin tone and at the same time protect sensitive skin.
how to find the best moisturizer cream for men blog
There are a variety of moisturizers that are available in the market today because of their popularity, especially among women, but concerns have been raised by experts regarding their safety. Now, let's evaluate and find the best moisturizer in the market.

There is research which indicates that the only moisturizer that does not increase the incidence of skin cancer in high-risk mice is the one that has no sodium lauryl sulphate and mineral oil. This means that many commercial moisturizers, which contain these two chemicals, are not safe to use. So, let's look for natural moisturizers that are safe and effective.

Let's consider jojoba oil as a skin moisturizer. It is actually a wax ester and not an oil, is rich in vitamin E, and has a chemical makeup comparable to sebum, an oil produced by human skin. One advantage of using jojoba oil is that its hydrating effect lasts longer compared to other commercial moisturizers.

Another highly recommended natural moisturizer is olive oil. Because it is rich in vitamin E (like jojoba oil), it is effective in fighting wrinkles and in the overall improvement of skin.

Shea butter can also be used as a moisturizer and is found in several natural skin care products because of its ability to promote elasticity and to make the skin firmer. Additionally, the fatty acids in shea butter can help the skin reduce the appearance of dullness and age spots, which are associated with aging.

Avocado oil contains vitamins A and E, antioxidants that are effective in maintaining skin's health and is shown to improve the collagent content of the skin.

Meanwhile, there are natural skin care products that incorporate natural moisturizers in them. These skin care products range from a night cream, eye creams to anti-wrinkle creams that contain natural skin care oils that can moisturize the skin including jojoba oil, avocado oil and shea butter. These products moisturize and at the same time they help prevent wrinkles.

Based on what I learned about commercial moisturizers, I can say that the most advertised products are not the most effective and the safest. For me, natural oils are still the best moisturizers. And the best natural skin care products are those that contain all the ingredients the skin needs to stay healthy and younger-looking.

How to Get White Teeth at Home Revealed

Learning how to get white teeth at home is getting more and more popular these days. The reasons for this can be many. Having laser teeth whitening could cost you a lot of money. So trying to whiten your teeth from home is no doubt going to be cheaper. The pressure of looking good is another reason why people want to have white teeth. One of the easiest and cheapest ways to improve your look is to have white teeth.
How to Get White Teeth at Home Revealed
The last 5-10 years has seen a major increase in home whitening kits being purchased. Buying self improvement and beauty products has really become the normal and acceptable thing in society.

The different styles of home whitening kits have really changed. Some will be temporary and last a few days to a week; others may last up to a month from one treatment. For the longer lasting kits, you will pay more money for them. Here's a few products you can use today:

Teeth Whitening Pens - A fairly new innovation, these pens are making a real hit in the market. To apply, just open up the pen and apply it the special whitener and place it onto your teeth. The great thing is that you can see the white teeth in seconds with these pens.

Teeth Whitening Strips - These have been around for quite a few years. To use them is so simple. Clean your teeth, then put the strip directly onto your teeth. You don't have to leave them on for too long to see a difference. They work quite fast, aren't too messy and very affordable.

Home Teeth Whitening - If you cannot afford a whitening product, then maybe you can use things you already have in your home. Lemon and salt mix can be applied to the teeth to remove stains. Baking soda is another remedy that some people use.

As you can see, getting white teeth at home is quite easy if you use the best methods to suit your budget.

Photo courtesy of gmtoday

Skin Whitening - To Get Younger Looking Skin

Skin Whitening - To Get Younger Looking Skin
The beauty treatments are the lifeline of today's women. In their attempt to look beautiful most of them get help of various treatments. The most sought after treatment is skin whitening treatment. This particular treatment fades away the freckles, scars, discoloration and even age spots. Also most of the treatments that counter these problems are cheap and harmless. These therapies or products actually lighten the dark marks of any type and thus the complexion appears whiter as a result. So, the process involves lightening of ugly marks and providing the even complexion ultimately resulting in the clear and whiter skin. One can also make use of home-made products to get rid of this problem.

Hydrogen Peroxide
This substance can be found at any cosmetics store and is basically used to bleach the teeth. Most of the teeth whitening kits and the hair coloring kits are comprised of this substance to provide the desired results to the user. Other than solving the stated purposes it also is of great help to whiten the complexion. One just need to pour few drops on the cotton ball and then has to apply it on the face.

Mint leaves
Mint leaves paste is really good for the complexion which makes it smoother and whiter.

Buttermilk eliminates dead cells present on the skin and thus exfoliates it with its natural acids. It also removes the excess oil and dirt from it. So, it basically makes the complexion clearer and whiter. One can apply milk directly on the face and then it must be rinsed off after sometime.

Glycolic Acid
This acid is commonly found in the skin lotions. It is very useful as it makes the complexion white and makes the face to glow.
Photo courtesy of faciallash

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