Face Icing: Side Effects of Putting Ice Cube Onto Your Face

Large open pore on the face is one of the most common problem people are facing up until now and these large pores can actually cause pimples all over the face as it attracts more and more amount of dirt getting inside those pores - causing clogged skin pores and eventually, pimple breakdown. And this is an unending cycle; unless, you can find a better way of minimizing those pores.
ice cube on face to minimize face pores

What I just tried lately is what beauty experts call "Face Icing". It is a simple yet effective way of minimizing face pores in an instant! All you have to do is to gently rub an ice cube on your face especially on parts where large pores exist like cheeks, forehead and nose. I do it for 3 to 5 minutes every after washing my face and before putting on some toner, moisturizer and some other beauty products like concealer.

According to beautyandtips, the ice cube therapy can help minimizes pores and control the oil production, it can also prevent premature aging and appearance of wrinkles. By doing this regularly, fresh and glowing healthy face are what you will notice!

If you are looking for some side-effects of ice cube face therapy, well what I can say is that my face looks reddish and sore right after the session but it will subside few minutes later.

Some tips to remember:
  • Do not rub the ice cubes on to your face for more than 5 minutes because it might make the situation even worse.
  • The delicate capillary under your skin can break if you use ice cubes directly so it is advisable to wrap it up in a clean cloth. (tips from stylishwalks)
Aside from doing this method, it is also recommended to use the best facial products in the market these days. Do not settle for less! 

In my case, I use Kiehl's products and I can personally testify that it truly works!

After closing your large facial pores, all you need to do is to temporarily hide those dark pimple marks you have on your face, check out the best concealers of 2016 that can make you look gorgeous all the time.

Image via makeupandbeauty


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  2. OMG this is such a very helpful post! In fact, will try this now just before I'll sleep..! *smiles widely* Thank you so much! excited for the great results... :)

    Kisses from Cebu,

    Jong | Summerglee | http://iamjoannalanojan.blogspot.com/


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