Watsons Finds: Cathy Doll White Heads Clay Mask & Quick Fix Tinted Moisturizer

Yesterday, I went to Market Market Mall to do some of my Sunday chores like buying shampoo and conditioner for my pet dog, Samson, buy some groceries for dinner and a lot more! I also had my Balinese whole body massage at Big Apple Express that I find very relaxing. It has been almost a year since I had a great massage experience, work has been occupying my entire life now. Right now, my goal is to save money for my future and some pocket money when I visit my mom in Belgium. I just want to share with you guys some of the things I bought from Watsons and I might write a separate blog for my personal review in the next days.

Quick FX Tinted Moisturizer 
I was really impressed with the products that I had tried from Quick FX, so far, I already tried their CC Cream and No-Shine Mattifier. Have not tried their tinted moisturizer yet but I will let you know if this will work for me as well. But my favorite would be their mattifier.

Cathy Doll White Heads Cleansing Black Clay Mask
I just tried it last night nut was not satisfied at all. I am not sure if I used it correctly but it was so sticky and extremely difficult to apply. It only removed whiteheads on the nose part but on other parts, it was useless. Am I going to buy this product ever again? Probably not. And it's kind of pricey as well. :(


  1. Amazing post doll! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I have never tried any of these products but the Quick FX Tinted Moisturizer sounds lovely. It's a shame the Black Clay Mask didn't work out so well. Thanks for sharing!

    Face to Curls | http://facetocurls.com

  3. Thanks for sharing your input! So unfortunate that the black clay mask didn't work. I've been looking for one that works!


  4. cute packaging, so unique!


    Tamara - LoveofMode.com

  5. Same here :) Saving for the future is smart !!! I try to only buy what I need, but sometimes I buy something I don't need, but not to often which is good.


  6. Thanks for sharing your review. I'm looking for a good tinted moisturizer to try.

    xoxo Rina


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