Happy 23rd Birthday!

birthday entry, personal
Time flies so fast and I cannot believe that we are almost done with 2014! December is definitely my favorite part of the year because the weather is just perfect and it brings so much good memories ever since I was a kid. I don't know but there is this feeling of excitement whenever the month of December is approaching. Do you also feel the same?

Today, I am celebrating my 23rd birthday and to be honest, I don't have any plans. I am living alone here in Manila and my relatives are in a different city 3 hour-drive from where I stay and work commitments ruin everything so I will just pretend that there is nothing special for today. Still, normal blogging schedule for today and expect some comments/ visits from me and let us all stay connected! Let me know if you are already following me so I can also do the same thing.

photo source: karenwalker


  1. Well a big Happy Birthday to you! Sounds like a bit of a blah one, but maybe you can celebrate it soon :)


    1. Thank you, Shamu! Appreciate it. I will be celebrating my birthday maybe over the weekend with my family.

  2. Happy birthday! Make sure you celebrate one way or another! Or maybe reward yourself with something. :) By the way, thanks for stopping by my blog! I'd love to follow each other but I can't seem to find you on my Bloglovin followers list.. would you kindly redo the follow? I'll definitely follow back as soon as I see it! Enjoy the rest of your day!


  3. Happy happy birthday, boy ^_^
    I wish you all the best!

  4. Happy BDay der boy! 23?! Sooo young :)

    Tomorrow is my best friend's birthday and I am in a search of the perfect present!


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